
Titan Comics - Doctor Who, Assassin's Creed, Blade Runner, Rivers of London, Sherlock, & Torchwood. Cover images (2014-present)

Rebellion Publishing - 2000AD, Judge Dredd, Middenface McNulty, Future Shocks, Mega-city Max. Interior art (2021-present)

The Last Witch - Boom! Studios. Pencils, inks, covers (2019 - 2023)

Misty Winter Special - Rebellion Publishing. Story, script, interior art (2020)

At The End of Your Tether - Lion Forge. Pencils, inks (2018-19)

In The Cold Dark, Tammy & Jinty Special - Rebellion Publishing. Interior art, (2019)

Twisted Dark - multiple titles inc. The Theory & Toy Run. Art, editing, promotional material (2018-2019)

ORB - Big Punch Comics. Art, colours (2015-2018)

Afterlife Inc. - Big Punch Comics. Colours (2015-2021)

Matinee- art, colours (2015 - 2016)

Fathoms Deep - art, colours, solicitation material (2014-2018)

Splendid! Comics - art, colours (2017)

Save Our Souls - script, art, colours, lettering (2015-2016)

My Maker & I - character concepts, solicitation material, covers (2015)

Lord Watson Gives Back - Jonathan Cape/Guardian contest entry (2014)

Nephilim - colours (2014)

Brigands - art, colours, lettering, character concepts (2014)

Disconnected Vol. 3, CROSS -  Disconnected Press, art, colours (2013 - present)

Professor Elemental Vol. 3 - Professor Elemental Comics, art, colours, lettering (2013)


Charity Art Collections (multiple publishers) - art, promotional materials (2018-present)

Professor Elemental - product packaging & promotional materials (2016-2019)

MTV - promotional art (2015)

Duel Shock - (TV series) promotional materials (2015)

Ilya's Opera - (children's series) art, & colours (2014)

Worldcon - (convention) anniversary & exhibit art (2014)

Why Does My Love Scare You -  (humour poetry collection) concept & art (2013)

The Radiosonic Workshop - (podcast) promotional art (2012)

Exposed  - (Exeter satire magazine) articles & cartoons, (2011 - 2012)

The Clockwork Quartet - (band) promotional art (2011)


Mean Streets - (game) character & environment design (2014 - 2016)

Myomora - (game) character, weapon, environment & asset design (2013 - 2016)

Untitled Parisian Catacombs Game - character & environment design (2013)

Dreadnaught - (tabletop game) character & environment design (2012)